Among streaming services and traditional production studios alike, Netflix is a trendsetter in the entertainment industry, from its newest Oscar-nominated feature “Maestro” to its popular television series “Stranger Things” and “Bridgerton.” With its wide range of programming, Netflix provides a variety of entertainment options, including documentaries, feature films, and narrative series. Check out the following gigs and apply to one today—they align perfectly with the streamer aesthetic.

Bree and Arthur
Casting is underway for a nonunion feature film being produced for Peacock, which will be shot in London and San Diego in early 2025. The production is looking for two female actors: one who will play Bree (age 25–40) and another who will play Adriana (age 18–33). The salaries for these two positions are not yet known.
Into the Dark
Casting is underway for a romantic feature film that will shoot in Los Angeles and San Bernardino, California, in September and October. A lead female actress (ages 20–30) is sought for the role of Imani; a lead male actor (ages 23–30) is sought for the role of Ike; a supporting male actor (ages 35–50) is sought for the role of The Professor; and a supporting female actor (ages 30-50) is sought for the role of Mama J. Imani and Ike’s jobs pay between $200 and $1,000 each day for a projected 15 days of labour. Mama J and The Professor have flat rates of $100–$1,000 for around six days of work.
The Rage in Gatham 2
Casting is now underway for the second “Gatham” movie, which will film in San Francisco from March 1–7. A supporting female actor (35–45 years old) to play Anju, a day player male actor (25–35 years old) to play Aaron (Realtor), and a background/extra all genders actor (35–50 years old) to play Janitor Extra are among the positions that the production is filling. Every position pays between $100 and $200 per day for an expected full workday.
Read Also: Earn $3,500 for a product commercial on landscaping with other casting calls in Los Angeles
Day Zero
Zero Day a limited series on Netflix starring Robert De Niro and Angela Bassett, is now casting. Talent in New York City between the ages of thirty and sixty-five is sought for supporting roles as congressmen. Fittings take place from January 22 to February 23. Filming takes place in NYC from April 6 to April 25. Pay for up to six workdays ranges from $176 to $208 per day.
Season 6 of Netflix’s Temptation Island
Temptation Island is seeking talent. Real-life couples between the ages of 21 and 36 who are going through significant relationship transitions are sought after by the production. It is being filmed in Los Angeles from May 5–25. The salary is $2,000 a week, or an estimated $6,000 in total, with reimbursement for travel, housing, and meals.
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