How to Cast on “Silo” on Apple TV+

Silo 1

The future of “Silo” on Apple TV+ is set in a post-apocalyptic world, with the serious name still unknown. That’s not the case for the beloved series, with seasons 3 and 4 already available on the streamer. That means there will be plenty of actors to be found in the coming year.

Are you ready to be cast in the sci-fi series of the future that we’re guiding you through? It’s no lie, we’re giving you the scoop on the Silo casting process. And we’re also giving you audition tips from the show’s top casting directors.

What’s the point of “Silo”?

The Silo is a dystopian science fiction series based on Hugh Howe’s best-selling trilogy of novels “Wool, Dust and Shift.” It explores 144 stories set in the future. The 10,000 people who remain on Earth live there, breathing in the toxic fumes from the surface.

Those who attempt to gain access to the silo’s initial construction information usually die young. So the engineer sets out on his quest to uncover the truth. The film is set after the main character, Juliet Nichols (Rebecca Ferguson), is murdered by her lies.

Who makes up the cast of “The Silo”?

The cast of “Silo” is full of celebrities, including:

  • Rebecca Ferguson as Juliet Nichols
  • As Robert Sims
  • Bernard Holland, played by Tim Robbins.
  • Martha Walker, played by Harriet Walter.
  • As Knox, Shane McRae
  • Hank, Billy Postlethwaite played.
  • Paul Billings as Chinaza Oche.
  • Remy Milner as Shirley Campbell
  • Lucas Kyle as Evie Nash
  • Dr. Pat Nichols played by Iain Glen.
  • Lavernia played by Christian Ochoa as Amundson.
  • Patrick Kennedy played by Rick Gomez.
  • Caitlin Zow as Kathleen Billings
  • Camille Sims played by Alexandria Riley.
  • Sandy played by Chipo Chung.
  • Olatunji Ayoof as Teddy
  • Hadaka Matt Gomez as Cooper
  • Judge Mary Meadows played by Tanya Moody.
  • Angela Yeoh as Deputy Molly Kearns
  • Holston Baker as Sheriff, played by David Oyelowo.
  • Alison Baker played by Rashida Jones.
  • George Wilkins played by Ferdinand Kingsley.
  • Carla MacLaine, Claire Perkins played.
  • Diego, Aki Kotabe played.
  • Steve Zahn as Solo

Who is the “Silo” casting director?

The main casting directors for “Silo” are Suzanne Smith (“Outlander”) and Cami Patton.
Patton contacted the audition and said that the casting directors have worked very hard to make the audition a very actor-oriented process. So, he says, it should not be a benefit to the actor and not a benefit to us, it should be a place where people feel comfortable and good about what they do.

Read Also: The Casting Process for “Stranger Things”

The CD veteran pointed out that there are many more moving parts behind the scenes than the average or younger actor might know, and that performing at their best doesn’t always get the role.

I don’t think [the actors] know that. How many people are in a process, how random it is, whether the next person gets the job or not. There have been roadies and casting directors for a long time who did it, but they don’t get their service. They can’t make it work in the circumstances, but they will be remembered, and eventually they will land in the right place.

“When casting for ‘Justified,’ I explained, I had a clear vision of my tone and the kind of people who would be the right fit.” “Over time, there were actors who kept auditioning, and while their performances were always great, the perfect role for them just hadn’t come along yet. But eventually, I was able to offer them parts that were not only perfect for them but became recurring roles on multiple occasions because of the incredible work they consistently deliver.”

It’s important to understand that just because you don’t get a job or a gig, it doesn’t mean you don’t do your job. If the casting director keeps talking to you, it’s a sign that you’re making a good impression on them. They’ll definitely bring you the real deal one day, because they trust your hard work and talent.


What’s the casting process like for “Silo”?

Patton and showrunner Graham Yost have worked together about twenty times, often finding themselves on the same wavelength. “I’ve worked with Graham Yost 25 times, and we get along well. He created Silo, and we developed a longhand. And shared a taste,” she shared in an interview. She added, “I know his circle, although he sometimes surprises me with new faces. Usually, we connect, and I can smell the tone he’s aiming for and who might be right.”

Despite this close collaboration, Patton revealed that casting Juliet was particularly difficult. “We didn’t audition a lot of people,” she said. “We had a shortlist of actresses in mind who seemed right for the part. It wasn’t about name recognition, although having a well-known actor is an advantage, and it helped us understand more about the character who was reading the role. Realize how complex the character was.”

When it came to Rebecca, Patton recalled the real confusion. “She was actually the first person we considered, at least after I got involved in the design, but she actually passed. She took her time with the script, read the books, and was completely committed to understanding the part before she came back,” Patton explained. Start the test, asking if the part wasn’t available yet, I was so relieved when she agreed.

Yost added that when they cast Iain Glen as Juliet’s father, Dr. Pat Nichols, they didn’t anticipate such strong chemistry between him and Rebecca. Now you really know how the effects will be,” he reflected.

On Zoom, there is a certain position of professionalism and the right station that stands out. Uniting with Rebecca has been as enjoyable as I had hoped. We have great moments together, crack jokes and dive into meaningful exchanges about our lives.

Yost commented, “I knew she would be an amazing partner because of her work heritage.” After doing a drone session with Iain Glen and meeting her in person, I allowed, “Yeah, she’s definitely a bone.” Shortly after, Rebecca transmitted a communication saying, “I had an incredible day with Iain Glen.” It was clear that he was a real gem.

“I really enjoy working with Rebecca,” Ian joined in when I spoke to him. “You really don’t know what to expect at first. You trust their work and professionalism, this stylish hope. Well, but you can’t believe it in this case, he really came up with an unusual brace.


When does “Silo” season 3 start filming?

The streamer officially confirmed that “Silo” will have its third and fourth seasons, which will be the final chapters of the series, on December 16, right in the middle of the release of season 2. Ferguson shared with Collider that it is very possible that the two seasons will be filmed back to back, although the streamer has not yet said when production on those final seasons will begin.

Ferguson explained, “The story is based on three books, which are divided into four seasons.” She added, “I think we can safely say that Season 1 is done. Season 2 has already been filmed and is out now, we are moving forward with the approval of Seasons 3 and 4. And I believe we can film them together, marking the end of the show.”


Where are the casting calls and auditions for “Silo” held?

It seems that there are currently no open casting calls for “Silo” but we will keep an eye out for any casting announcements once production on Seasons 3 and 4 begins.


What audition strategy works best for a part on “Silo”?

Stay strong and don’t lose your balance. Ferguson knows that pressure is mounting from all directions, but she encourages people to stay true to themselves. Even in the face of failure, she believes in the power of perseverance. “Keep living. Try it. If you fail, keep trying,” she urges. “Just go for it.”

This can be incredibly difficult, time-consuming, and demanding. It’s normal to feel a deep sense of sadness and the weight of being constantly watched. However, the more you take the time to understand yourself, the more you’ll begin to feel grounded and present in such an environment.

Pay close attention to everything that’s going on around you. Patton, with his extensive experience in casting, always advises actors to be alert throughout the audition process. “As soon as you walk into the room, be present,” he emphasizes. “Nerves can easily take over, causing you to focus too much on your planning or performance. This can cause you to miss the conversation in front of you. If this happens, it’s a sign that you’re not fully engaged in the right place at the right time.”

She expressed her thoughts by saying, “I really believe that most casting directors do everything they can to make the experience as comfortable as possible. Everyone’s goal is to make the process as easy as possible. Casting directors are really hoping that you’re the right fit — they want the new actor to be amazing.”

After the audition, she advises putting everything else out of your mind. “Once it’s over, let it go. Once you’re out of the room, don’t dwell on it.” I found it hard to understand how my sister, an actor, could go through multiple auditions in one day and still manage to go out for lunch. I would get stuck on what happened, wondering what I did or didn’t do.

Did they really like me or not? To her, the audition was just another job, and if she got booked, that was it, as she saw it. I think this is the healthiest approach: focus on the audition at hand, give it your best shot, and don’t stress about the results. Whether you hear back or not is out of your hands. You can only control how you perform in that room at that moment, because there are so many other factors that influence the decision that you can’t do anything about.

Your ultimate goal shouldn’t be fame. Glenn shared with Express that he’s actually more reserved than he is.

About the Author

mudasar Rafique
Mudassar Rafique, a seasoned journalist with 10 years of experience, excels in uncovering and delivering news with a keen eye for detail. Renowned for insightful analyses and a commitment to journalistic integrity, he contributes to reputable publications. Passionate about staying informed, Mudassar views his role as a professional and personal mission to engage global audiences.

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